Tenant Handbook


If you are planning to do any type of work in Michigan Plaza, you must notify the Building Management Office at 312.819.6000. Any construction, HVAC, or plumbing plans must be submitted to the Building Management Office for review before work commences.

Rules and Regulations

  • All contractors and employees are required sign in with security and provide a picture ID that will be kept in exchange for a building pass. You are required to wear the pass at all times while in the building.
  • Please provide a sub-contractors directory to the Building Management Office prior to working in the building.
  • After hours access to the dock requires a security guard. Please contact the Building Management Office if you need to schedule dock time outside of the normal dock hours (Monday - Friday 5:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.). Each delivery during normal dock time is allowed an hour. If there are vehicles waiting to gain access to the dock you have to remove your vehicle after one hour.